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Get a solid foundation in maternity and pediatric nursing! Written in a clear, concise, friendly style, Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 8th Edition is the complete guide to caring for maternity and pediatric patients. This best-selling text is organized by developmental stages, discussions of pediatric disorders by body system from simple-to-complex and health-to-illness, and includes a focus on family health. This edition also contains newly updated NCLEX(R) style review questions, new case studies, new content on zika virus, QSEN and safety, and expanded phases of pregnancy.

  • Evidence-based maternal-child content
  • prepares you for the LVN/LPN to achieve higher levels of learning, a goal expressed by the IOM Committee on the Future of Nursing.
  • Over 42 detailed, updated nursing skills introduce you to skills unique to maternity and pediatric care.
  • Over 25 nursing care plans feature seven different formats/themes/styles, including unfolding case studies.
  • The beginning concepts of critical thinking introduces you to this idea as a basis for clinical nursing care.
  • Updated content on the influence of microbiomes on non-invasive pregnancy and newborn nursing care addresses its impact on the adult health of the newborn.
  • Step-by-step application of the nursing process covers the hospital, home, community and use in improving global health.
  • Expanded cultural practices as they relate to pregnancy, delivery and pediatric care in the community.
  • Coverage of the use of expanding new technologies and computerized medication administration reinforce the nursing process and strengthen problem-solving skills as applied to maternity nursing.
  • NEW! Discussion of new health threats
  • include in-depth coverage of the Zika virus and Influenza
  • NEW! Updated guidelines for hypertension and immunizations for infants and children.
  • NEW! Updated QSEN goals and nursing responsibilities reflect the most recent changes.
  • NEW! Expanded phases of pregnancy includes preconceptual, prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum and interconceptual care and nursing responsibilities.
  • NEW! Updated nursing responsibilities related to global health reflect the "Baby Friendly Hospital" WHO initiative and interprofessional nursing communication related to nursing "hand-off care" and shift change reports.
  • NEW! Updated NCLEX(R) exam-style review questions have been revised with alternate item formats at the end of each chapter.
  • NEW! Expanded nursing and safety tips throughout include evidence-based online resources which provide pertinent information applicable in the clinical setting that reinforces what you have just learned while building on previously learned information.
  • NEW! Expanded coverage of bioterrorism better reflects trauma related to pregnancy and pediatric care.
  • Lab Manual Inquiry into Life

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    Launching Imagination

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    New and better than ever, the sixth edition of Launching the Imagination treats design as both a verb and a noun-as both a process and a product. Design is deliberate-a process of exploring multiple solutions and choosing the most promising option. Through an immersion in 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D concepts, students are encouraged to develop methods of thinking visually that will serve them throughout their studies and careers.
    Building on strengths of the previous five editions, the sixth edition of Launching the Imagination is even more: -Concise: Content has been refined so that maximum content can be communicated as clearly and concisely as possible.-Colorful: In addition to the full color used throughout the book, the writing is livelier than that in most textbooks. Analogies expand communication, and every visual example has been carefully selected for maximum impact.-Comprehensive: Launching the Imagination is the only foundational text with full sections devoted to critical and creative thinking and to time-based design. The photo program is global, represents a myriad of stylistic approaches, and prominently features design and media arts as well as more traditional art forms.-Contemporary: More than half of the visual examples represent artworks completed since 1970, and over 100 represent works completed since 2000.-Compelling: Interviews with exemplars of creativity have always been an important feature of this book. Three of the best past profiles have been revised and a new profile has been added. Now inserted into the body of the text, each interview deliberately builds on its chapter content.

    Lifespan printed

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    This text focuses on PRINCIPLES OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT topics. It includes essential content plus learning activities, case studies, professional profiles, research topics and more that support course objectives. The text and exam are part of the ManageFirst Program(R) from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). This edition is created to teach restaurant and hospitality students the core competencies of the Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management. The Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management is a job task analysis created with the input and validation of the industry that clearly indicates what a restaurant management professional must know in order to effectively and efficiently run a safe and profitable operation. The ManageFirst Program training program is based on a set of competencies defined by the restaurant, hospitality and foodservice industry as those needed for success. This competency-based program features 10 topics each with a textbook, online exam prep for students, instructor resources, a certification exam, certificate, and credential. The online exam prep for students is available with each textbook and includes helpful learning modules on test-taking strategies, practice tests for every chapter, a comprehensive cumulative practice test, and more! This textbook includes an exam answer sheet to be used with the paper-and-pencil version of the ManageFirst certification exam.


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    This text focuses on INVENTORY AND PURCHASING topics. It includes essential content plus learning activities, case studies, professional profiles, research topics and more that support course objectives. The text and exam are part of the ManageFirst Program(R) from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). This edition is created to teach restaurant and hospitality students the core competencies of the Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management. The Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management is a job task analysis created with the input and validation of the industry that clearly indicates what a restaurant management professional must know in order to effectively and efficiently run a safe and profitable operation. The ManageFirst Program training program is based on a set of competencies defined by the restaurant, hospitality and foodservice industry as those needed for success. This competency-based program features 10 topics each with a textbook, online exam prep for students, instructor resources, a certification exam, certificate, and credential. The online exam prep for students is available with each textbook and includes helpful learning modules on test-taking strategies, practice tests for every chapter, a comprehensive cumulative practice test, and more! This textbook includes an exam answer sheet to be used with the paper-and-pencil version of the ManageFirst certification exam.
    Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making

    Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making

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    Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 9th Edition provides students with a clear introduction to the fundamental managerial accounting concepts needed for anyone pursuing a career in accounting or business. The primary focus of Managerial Accounting is to help students understand the application of accounting principles and techniques in practice through a variety of engaging resources and homework exercises.

    By connecting the classroom to the business world through real company examples, an emphasis on decision making, and key data analysis skills appropriate at the introductory level, students are better prepared as future professionals in today's business world.



    $36.80 - $49.05
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  • Content review
  • Case studies
  • NCLEX(R)-style questions
  • Too much information? Too little time? Here's everything you need to succeed in your maternal-newborn nursing course and prepare for course exams and the NCLEX(R).

    Succinct content reviews in outline format focus on must-know information, while case studies and NCLEX-style questions develop your ability to apply your knowledge in simulated clinical situations. A 100-question final exam at the end of the book as well as two, 75-item comprehensive examinations online at provide the practice you need to feel confident about maternal-newborn content.

    You'll also find proven techniques and tips to help you study more effectively, learn how to approach different types of questions, and improve your critical-thinking skills.

    An access code inside new printed texts unlocks the questions online at DavisPlus, with answers and rationales for correct and incorrect responses. You can even design your own quizzes to test your knowledge and skills based on specific content areas, client need categories, cognitive level, and phases of the nursing process.

    Math 1314 Ashby

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