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Math 1351 Ashby

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MyLab Math Standalone Access Card to accompany Long/DeTemple/Millman, Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers - Media Update, 7e

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MyLab Math is the world's leading online tutorial, and assessment program designed to help you learn and succeed in your mathematics course. MyLab Math online courses are created to accompany one of Pearson's best-selling math textbooks. Every MyLab Math course includes a complete, interactive eText. Learn more about MyLab Math.


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Med/HD Truck Engines 6th E

Med/HD Truck Engines 6th E

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Gear up for career success in the dynamic field of commercial truck engine service, with the latest edition of the most comprehensive to guide commercial vehicle engines and their management systems available today! Ideal for students, entry-level technicians, and experienced professionals, MEDIUM/HEAVY DUTY TRUCK ENGINES, FUEL & COMPUTERIZED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, Sixth Edition, covers the full range of commercial vehicle diesel engines (from light- to heavy-duty), electric drivetrains, and the most current management electronics used in the industry. In addition, dedicated chapters deal with natural gas (NG) fuel systems, alternate fuels, hybrid drive, fuel cell, and all-electric drive systems. User-friendly and fully up to date, this trusted text addresses the latest ASE Education Foundation tasks, places unique emphasis on the modern multiplexed chassis and telematics, and is designed to serve as a practical toolbox reference throughout your professional career.
Med-Surg Study guide 10th

Medical Surgery Study Guide

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Get a thorough review of medical-surgical nursing Concepts and Exemplars while developing your clinical judgment skills! Corresponding to Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 10th Edition, from Ignatavicius, Workman, Rebar, and Heimgartner, this Study Guide is thoroughly revised with a fresh emphasis on the Concepts and Exemplars featured in the textbook. It adds application-level NCLEX(R) Exam-style questions and exercises, new NCLEX alternate item questions, and a completely new collection of Case Studies to prepare you for the Next Generation NCLEX Examination. With this practical study guide, you will prepare for NCLEX success and build the clinical reasoning skills you need for safe, effective nursing practice.

  • Complete review of textbook content builds students' clinical nursing judgment skills and enhances their ability to make safe and effective clinical decisions.
  • UNIQUE! Focus on interprofessional collaboration provides tips for coordinating care with other health professionals, and includes application of IPEC's Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice.
  • Answer Key follows each chapter and adds new in-depth rationales for improved self-study and remediation.
  • UNIQUE! Unparalleled emphasis on NCLEX(R) Exam-style questions includes multiple-choice and multiple-select formats, familiarizing students with all NCLEX question formats to better prepare them for the NCLEX Examination.
  • UNIQUE! Emphasis on the textbook's Concepts and Exemplar disorders focuses students on key medical-surgical nursing concepts and how they are exemplified in common disorders.
  • NEW and UNIQUE! Focus on Concepts and Exemplars reflects the conceptual emphasis of the Ignatavicius textbook.
  • NEW! Higher percentage of application-level NCLEX(R) Exam-style questions is distributed throughout the chapters, plus additional NCLEX alternate item formats to help students develop clinical nursing judgment.
  • NEW! Completely new collection of Next-Generation NCLEX(R)-style Case Studies to develop students' clinical judgment skills and begin to prepare them for the Next-Generation NCLEX Exam (NGN).
  • NEW! Detailed rationales in Answer Keys (now following each chapter) are provided for questions above the "Knowing" level of Bloom's taxonomy, for improved remediation and development of clinical nursing judgment consistent with the NGN.
  • NEW! Updated content throughout matches the 10th edition of the Ignatavicius textbook for more efficient study of essential medical-surgical nursing knowledge.
  • Medical Terminology

    Medical Terminology

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    Now in its 9th Edition, Schroeder/Ehrlich/Schroeder Smith/Ehrlich's MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS focuses on the current, relevant terms you need to know to succeed in the health care field. The program is designed to simplify the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the importance of word parts -- common prefixes, suffixes and root words. Every chapter helps you practice the pronunciation and understanding of key terms through interactive activities, real-life medical scenarios and critical thinking exercises. Reflecting real-world practice, all terms, definitions, procedures, illustrations and data are completely up to date. The latest edition of this market leader includes expanded coverage of gender identity and gender reassignment, COVID-19, advanced directives, durable medical equipment, dental procedures, diabetic pathology, and more. Also available: MindTap digital learning solution.
    Medical-Surgical Nursing

    Medical-Surgical Nursing

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    **Selected for Doody's Core Titles(R) 2024 in Medical/Surgical** Learn the clinical judgment skills you need to succeed on the Next-Generation NCLEX(R) Exam and in medical-surgical nursing practice with Iggy's trendsetting, concept-based approach! From a team of nursing experts led by Donna Ignatavicius, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Clinical Judgment and Collaborative Care, 11th Edition provides a solid foundation in medical-surgical nursing care that is patient-centered, evidence-based, and collaborative. In each chapter, content is organized by the most important concepts of care followed by commonly occurring exemplars for each concept. This perennial bestseller helps you learn to think like a nurse and learn how to apply your knowledge in the classroom, simulation laboratory, and clinical settings.

  • UNIQUE! Unparalleled focus on clinical judgment and systems thinking ensures alignment with the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and emphasizes the six cognitive skills that you'll need in order to develop effective clinical judgment, to succeed when taking the Next-Generation NCLEX(R) Exam (NGN), and to enter clinical practice as a safe, competent, compassionate generalist nurse.
  • UNIQUE! Data-driven Concept and Exemplar selections provide a strong foundation in professional nursing concepts and health and illness concepts, with application in each chapter.
  • UNIQUE! Exceptional emphasis on NGN preparation includes chapter-opening Learning Outcomes and chapter-ending Get Ready for the Next-Generation NCLEX Examination! sections, plus NCLEX Examination Challenge questions and Mastery and NGN Questions, with an answer key including rationales on the Evolve website.
  • Consistent use of interprofessional terminology promotes interprofessional collaboration through the use of a common healthcare language, instead of using nursing-specific diagnostic language.
  • Emphasis on patient safety highlights safety and evidence-based practice with Nursing Safety Priority boxes, as well as Drug Alert, Critical Rescue, and Action Alert boxes.
  • Focus on care coordination and transition management addresses the continuity of care between acute care and community-based care.
  • Direct, easy-to-read writing style features concise sentences and straightforward vocabulary, making this one of the most readable medical-surgical nursing textbooks available.
  • Sherpath (sold separately) for Ignatavicius et al. Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition provides an interactive, adaptive learning experience!
  • NEW! Updated content throughout reflects the most current, evidence-based clinical practice in medical-surgical nursing, including the latest national and international guidelines.
  • NEW and UNIQUE! Key components of AACN's 2021 Essentials are integrated throughout, including the four "spheres" of nursing care: health promotion/disease prevention, chronic disease care, regenerative or restorative care, and hospice/palliative/supportive care.
  • NEW! One unfolding case for the Next-Generation NCLEX(R) Exam (NGN) in each Concepts of Care chapter replaces the previous open-ended Clinical Judgment Challenge questions, and each includes multiple questions for the NGN, or 2-3 Bowtie or Trend questions for the NGN.
  • NEW! Enhanced emphasis on need-to-know content with streamlined A&P and pathophysiology content provides a solid foundation for beginning nurse generalists, including the most important patient problems for each health condition and an emphasis on what is most relevant to nursing care.
  • NEW and UNIQUE! Iggy's approach to care views medical and nursing management through the lens of the nursing process and the six cognitive skills of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, and aligns with the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice.
  • NEW! Case Studies for the NGN on the Evolve website are updated from the previous open-ended question style to questions for the NGN.
  • NEW and UNIQUE! Key Points in Concepts of Care chapters summarize essential information for each of the nursing spheres with a four-quadrant matrix corresponding to the four spheres of care from the 2021 AACN Essentials.
  • NEW! Essential Points for Assessment are included at the end of chapters to emphasize critical information in alignment with the 2021 AACN Essentials.
  • NEW and UNIQUE! The six domains recommended for inclusion in nursing education in the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report are incorporated into the textbook, including new Nurse Well-Being boxes, covering the domains of health equity and health care equity, social determinants of health, ethics, environmental health, disaster/public health emergencies, and nurse well-being.
  • NEW! Coverage of COVID-19 is expanded into an Exemplar disorder, highlighting the multifaceted aspects of care including critical care, and COVID-19 content is also interwoven into other body systems chapters.
  • NEW! Enhanced index includes all figures, tables, and special boxes, as well as the following types of content:
  • Legal/ethical issues (including boxes)
  • Health equity (including boxes)
  • Veteran health (including boxes)
  • Older adult health (including boxes)
  • Health promotion/disease prevention
  • Critical care topics
  • Trauma topics
  • Physical disability topics
  • Chronic disease topics
  • Interprofessional collaboration topics (including IPEC boxes)
  • Healthcare technologies
  • Evidence-based practice (including boxes)
  • Quality improvement/systems thinking (including boxes)
  • NEW! Ethical/Legal Considerations boxes are changed to Legal/Ethical Considerations boxes and increased in number throughout the book to reflect the growing challenges of clinical practice.
  • NEW! Sequential numbering systems (one for boxes, one for tables) are used for special boxes and Drug Therapy and Lab Profile tables throughout each chapter for quicker and more concise referencing.
  • Microbiology: The Human Experience

    Microbiology: The Human Experience

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    New content--including substantial coverage of recent disease outbreaks (COVID-19 and others), updated IMPACT applications, and integrated patient-centered case histories--drive each chapter's narrative, keeping students' interest while ensuring that they learn the important underlying microbiology concepts. Consistent pedagogy in the text and an unparalleled suite of media resources--including new Making Connections tutorial lessons in Smartwork, digital Infectious Disease Flashcards, revised Interactive Instructor's Guide content with suggestions for applying active learning online, and updated Case Mystery case studies--give students important practice while providing instructors with extensive, book-specific active learning resources. The Second Edition's highly readable text has been thoughtfully streamlined to deliver the foundational microbiology concepts students will need to know as medical and laboratory professionals via clear explanations they will understand.

    Mike Holt's Understanding Electrical Theory

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    MODERN DIESEL TECHNOLOGY: HEAVY EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS, Third Edition, focuses on off-highway mobile equipment systems, giving you in-depth coverage of service and repair essentials for heavy equipment, agricultural equipment, and powered lift truck technology. Written by experienced technicians, this trusted text includes both universal and manufacturer-specific information on everything from hydraulics, heavy-duty brakes, drivetrains, steering, suspension, and track systems, to safety and best practices. Now featuring a visually appealing, full-color design, the Third Edition is also newly updated with information on the latest computer-controlled hydraulics, GPS, electronic controls, J1939 multiplexing, and electric drive vehicle systems, offering insights into important trends and technology you need to know for success as a specialty technician in today's ever-evolving industry.